Friday, May 25, 2007

I'm Sorry

I’m sorry.
I know it’s late, but here it is
Here is my feeling of guilt
With my eyes on the floor I say this.
I know I’ve hurt you,
Haven’t spoken to you,
But it stayed with me,
For a very long time,
How I wounded your heart
I didn’t realize that I only hurt mine.
I’m sorry.
It’s hard to say but it must be said
I have to say it so I can lay calm in bed.
Thinking about that day,
When I saw you cry,
Because of something I said.
I thought of every way,
Not to say sorry,
But here I am,
Taking the hard road,
Taking my heart on board…
A very long trip.
Taking my soul to yours,
To try to fix that rip.
I’m sorry again and again,
I will say it till the end,
Because who would want to lose,
A very good friend… ?

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Who are you?
What are you doing in me?
Intruding my mentality?
No, I am a result of what you've become.
I… am… you.
Then why are you so different?
Your existence, I think it's an accident.
You say this because you do not understand me…
Or you.
The 'you' you are talking about
Has withered and died out.
It used to exist before you were changed.
Yes, you have changed.
From the simple to the complex
A product of life's projects
From the inward to the outward.
How can you know this?
No one knows this but me.
Ha ha. I think you forgot
But I'll remind you why not
Shut your ears and listen with your heart:
I am you, and you are me.